State Governor Andrew Cuomo said that New York will begin to lift some capacity restrictions, starting May 19th. As a matter of fact, the new regulations will allow large-scale event venues to operate at 30 percent capacity. This represents an increase of 20 percent from the previous capacity limit. Moreover, large-scale outdoor event venues will see their capacity increase to 33 percent.
Those changes will come along with others. The outdoor social gathering limit will increase to 500 people, as the indoor social gathering will move to 250. However, both of those capacity limits are subject to restrictions. Attendees will have to show a negative COVID-19 test or proof of vaccination and practice social distancing. The current midnight food and beverage service curfew will also be lifted on May 17th for outdoor dining areas. The indoor dining areas will have the chance to do the same on May 19th.
This news is consistent with the decline of infection rates in the state and in the city. More than 50 percent of the city’s population has received their first dose, and 37 percent have been fully vaccinated. The statistics show that a return to normality is imminent. Recently, both NYC Mayor and state Governor expressed their feelings about the reopening of the city. In case you didn’t read it, Governor Cuomo called “irresponsible” the prediction of Mayor De Blasio on New York City’s reopening by July 1st.